For the event The Day of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province the works of the artists from Galeria Rusz were displayed in our region for the eighth time. The event was held under the slogan of: “What should we appreciate?” The artists, Joanna Górska and Rafał Góralski, selected 10 values and created inspirational works: solidarity, sensitivity (to the harm done to people), cooperation, respect, responsibility, loyalty, dignity, honesty, friendship and kindness. This was a unique thought- and reflection-provoking tour. The artists encouraged the inhabitants of our region to look around them, notice their neighbours and place they live in, and start perceiving it more as a community in which everyone matters and where we want to take care of every person, despite these turbulent times.
– We live in fast-moving and uncertain times. The pandemic is not over yet, and the war in Ukraine broke out. On the one hand, these times make us undertake new challenges, and on the other hand, rethink what kind of world we would like to live in, and what kind of local or global community we should organise. For this reason, one of the fundamental questions that we should ask ourselves as a community is: “What should we appreciate?” Our neighbours beyond the eastern border are fighting for survival, but also for some vision and values that they find important. They consider themselves a part of the European Community which they officially do not belong to, but they are fighting for European values. We are lucky to be part of the EU for almost 20 years. It is worth thinking what gives us power to develop and strengthen our community, as well as to help each other and others – those who need this help. It is worth using this tragic situation in Ukraine to think about values and principles that help in such crisis situations, as hard power and the army are not sufficient to defend the Community. The principles it is based on are essential – Joanna Górska commented on the project.
– The inhabitants and the Local Government actively engaged in helping refugees – acting together for refugees helps our community grow, resists the anti-values that we know well from our history and we would certainly not like to see again. This is why we need to talk about positive values that integrate the community and make it stronger and wiser. This will enable it to cope better in times of peace, as well as conflict and threats – Rafał Góralski said.
The project of a mobile exhibition was carried out to celebrate The Day of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province.