In December 2016 we carried out a project for the event The Days of Grzegorz Ciechowski. The Rusz Gallery prepared several works inspired by Ciechowski – billboards and an interactive mural combined with an artistic piece. This time, Joanna Górska and Rafał Góralski focused on the courage to create and the freedom to imagine, both indispensable parts of any art.
Liberation of stripes
In the works of the artists from the Rusz Gallery, developed in conjunction with The Days of Grzegorz Ciechowski in 2015, white and black stripes shaded into colourful ones, to show that the contemporary world, apart from white and black, also has many other colours. “This year some of the stripes on our billboards have freed themselves from their stiff restrictions. They’re colourful and free, just like an artist’s imagination”, says Joanna Górska. And adds, “Artists need a lot of courage to create and overcome barriers that limit their imagination. However, not only the artist needs courage – life itself requires lots of courage – being yourself and living according to your own rules.”
Creators of ourselves
Ciechowski’s artistic courage, his original output and enormous contribution to Polish culture, made him a musical symbol of the 80s and 90s. Despite the passing of time, he can still inspire us to be courageous to use our imagination, to create our own life and to go our own way. The artists from the Rusz Gallery also prepared an interactive mural related to the creative aspect of our life. “We invited the inhabitants of Toruń to co-create the mural and think what they wanted to create most in their life”, said Rafał Góralski. The event took place on 15 December in front of the Jordanki Cultural and Congress Centre. The participants were encouraged to write their personal endings to the statement: “I want to create … most in my life”. The inhabitants of Toruń did not let us down and inspiring words appeared on the mural: a masterpiece, a happy family, a good atmosphere, relations with others, myself, my own television. Later, the mural was exhibited in front of the Jordanki CCC for all The Days of Grzegorz Ciechowski”.
The works of artists from the Rusz Gallery were exhibited on billboards in the public space of Toruń and Warsaw in December 2016:
The project was undertaken as part of “The Days of Grzegorz Ciechowski” and organised by the City of Toruń
The project has been funded with support from the City of Toruń.